Why Happiness is Always Short-lived?

Soul Satisfaction and Love
Happiness and Peace of Mind!

I keep on thinking about the patterns of life and what kinds of things make one person happy and the other sad at the same time. When a person does wrong to other like rob or kill someone then he is happy. It may be out of revenge or the suppressed desires. But the dying person would never feel the same and his loved ones will go through a whole process of agony. Same is the case with building a relationship that is too good but ends up after short time!

Why human race is ins Quest of Happiness when it is crystal clear that it is going to be either a momentary pleasure or a small time joy. Then logic will play its part and each person will feel it quite useless to be excited over things that are no more important. I read from a philosopher and writer’s book that the real pleasure lies in quest and struggle to attain something and it is destroyed once we achieve it!

Well I think it is a wonderful quote that explains a lot about uselessness of looking for clichéd happiness. I think peace of mind and soul are much more important than the short-lived happiness. So why not we must try to attain an internal peace and a closeness to nature. Every sane person knows that he or she will die one day and nobody knows about AFTERLIFE, and there is no need to waste this small time in hatred for other races, nations, civilizations and norms!

If we think about the peace and prosperity of whole of human race on the planet EARTH then I think it will really give us a lasting happiness and act as a soothing effect. I would love to tell you that my love for life goes on for things that are going to have lasting impression on my life and that of others. So I prefer to look for happiness that comes with making another person smile or to fulfill his or her small desire or need.

Happiness is temporary as we are too indulged in getting its full flavor that we forget the lapse of time. While the period of agony will let lose us in gloominess and bleakest days, and our Minds and Souls ore occupied with Depression and Hopelessness. So it seems to us as a non-ending period. But I am happy that you read my blog and will definitely try to find some New Meaning of Word HAPPINESS. For me it is so multidimensional and very complex issue. I want to know your perceptions for that sake of my knowledge!!

How Can I Find the Right Path!!

Motivation and Love for life will lead Anyone to Find Peace and Love in the World
Motivation and Love for life will lead Anyone to Find Peace and Love in the World

I am not an angel and not a devil but I have a confused personality as I don’t know as if I am following a right path. I always tried to find it from the books of Religion, and from the guidelines of great personalities. I can distinguish the right from wrong at least I can say this. But don’t have courage to stop something that is evil inside me. I like to go out and seek pleasures, and to enjoy every moment.

But something stops me from doing so, and it is my self-conscious that is subject to deep rooted elements of morals that were induced in me. Then I am not a kind of person who will go for things that gives me a roller coaster ride of emotions and finally put up in a great guilt. I know what I suppose to do, and I am happy the way I am here. I don’t want freedom from the chains that are self-proclaimed but are too real!

The will and determination to fall into prey of situations, and to be carried away by negative emotions out of nowhere. It know the momentary pleasure won’t give me or anybody a peaceful mind. I will keep on regretting what I have sinned or ruined as a personal entity. Thane what makes me go by a storm of emotions and desires. It is due to my failures and disturbed life pattern. Someone and many turns in my life ruined my life for no good reasons.

I am all awake but still live in dreams of finding an ideal world where everything will be according to my liking. Has anyone find it out on this decaying world. It is a matter of question that I will never be able to share, and to care. I know that I love what seems to me a great thing but does it will make me really happy.

There is no guarantee and I know that life is too short to waste in desires that will only ruin your soul, and to let you in greater pains and regrets. I want to be free of my responsibilities, to inhale an air of freedom. Perhaps a day of life just according to my wishes. I am what I am and there is something really great about a feeling of love for your own self. You need to be all in store of happiness that will arrive from anywhere

We all will die one day or other and does it make a difference as if we could do something really exceptional in this world. Only thing that will matter will be the peace and prosperous life. But don’t get confused by prosperity as I don’t mean to collect more and more of worldly things, money and other stuff. Yes! This is important but more than that it is about what kinds of desires you got filled up in this little life and how strongly and peacefully you could live is the most important thing!!