Paulo Coelho – World’s Most Renowned and Best Thinker and Writer at Present!!

Writer about Spiritualtiy and Human Psyche
Paulo Coelho and Modern Human Psyche

I am seeing a new trend in literary circles and in common people that they follow a certain mind frame. They are in search of a guide or as a mentor who can lead their ways to better living, and to let them have awareness of “Purpose of Man’s Existence on Earth”. Well! The formula fits in too well when we think or read excerpts or whole books, written by Paulo Coelho. A Brazilian writer who is truly a thinker and in fact a mastermind who has an in-depth analysis of ‘Human Psychology’!

Reading so many books of Paulo Coelho always gives you a new insight and a new dimension of thought. You are definitely bound to see some very common situations with a very different mind frame. I know that he has a Magical Pen that gives “Golden Quotes” to keep on floating on Social Media, and letting people from all walks of life to read his books for “Wisdom and for Peace of Mind and Soul”.

Paulo Coelho is definitely a Mentor and a Spiritual Guide who takes you to the Divine Wisdom and Truth in a very technical and tactical way. You are so much involved in reading a very good storyline with perfect characterization, and then you realize that you got a ‘New Lesson of Life’, in a very natural way! If I can give you examples like his famous books The Alchemist, The Zahir, Eleven Minutes, Aleph, Manuscripts found in Accra and lots more. You will agree that his ultimate end in a book reveals a path of discovery to “Divinity and Spiritual Elevation”.

I have found him on a never ending “voyage of self-discovery” and an exploration of miseries and pains of all kinds of human beings. He is different from many contemporary writers who write their own ways. But reading a Paulo Coelho’s Novel will lead you to a feeling of closeness to your inner being, and to millions of ‘Human Beings on this Planet Earth’!

Here is a difference that he will take you on a voyage of self-discovery with all cautions. He will not let you depressed or lonely even at the end. You will find a ‘New Ray of Hope’, and a Closeness of God Almighty and a reason to fight the difficult battles of life!

He foretells you about the rewards in this Worldly Life and in Hereafter as well. So I am convinced of his intellectual and spiritual superiority, and his age is not a hindrance in his wiring. It looks as if some unseen forces let his PEN flow like a river, to calm down Humanity with all Optimism for sure!!

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